Joe Bastardi: “Most Of The Land Masses On The Globe Are Cold.” Triple Crown Of Cooling Taking Hold.
By P Gosselin on 2. März 2014
At his latest Saturday Summary, Joe Bastardi serves up a few observations about the current weather across the globe.
Let’s recall that global warming was really supposed to be having an impact over the land masses, especially during the winters. But the land masses, at least this winter, aren’t cooperating at all. Globally temperatures are in the basement.

The above chart from NCEP shows that currently global temperatures are running below normal. Where’s all the heat gone to? Joe then shows how the alarmist claims that all the frigid US weather is due to global warming are completely bogus.
The above chart shows that except for Europe, all the other global land masses are colder than normal. Joe comments:
What’s remarkable about this is, with the exception of Europe, most of the land masses on the globe are cold. [...] This is about the third or fourth winter in a row I’ve seen the hemispheric temperature and the land mass, especially the northern hemisphere, have been colder than normal, and this is part of this process that we described now you know since 2007, 2008, the triple crown of cooling.”
Joe expects that cooling to continue another 15 years – until 2030.
The global anomaly is currently at about -0.1°C. The only ones escaping especially brutal winter conditions in the northern hemisphere are Europeans and polar bears sarise el, nu a fost prima data: ... p-excuses/