
Suprafata activa subiacenta
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Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Mar 29, 2013 10:41 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Suprafata activa subiacenta

Voi incerca sa dezvolt topicul inceput de mary, nu de alta dar mai ales ca am vazut ca se pricepea bine de tot.
Pot dezvolta simplu...oceane, gheata, vegetatie, deserturi, relief.
Chiar voi dezvolta acest topic, va fi o placere pentru mine sa fac asta.
Desigur, trebuie tratate separat oceanele, gheata, vegetatia, deserturile, relieful, topicuri separate. Dar am vazut ca deja avem topicul "criosfera" si trebuie sa ma uit atent sa nu fac ceva ce s-a mai facut deja.
Si ca o paranteza, nu am mult timp acum, fiindca veni vorba de deserturi...Intrebare si raspuns: De ce sahara a fost umeda candva? Raspuns:Intr-un documentar s-a specificat ca...din cauza ca era mai cald!!!
Adica era atat de cald incat se forma musonul dinspre Atlantic...sau poate ca oceanul era mai rece...dar cum se putea mentine musonul? Ploile si tot era atat de cald? Mai cald decat acum? Eu altceva cred, dar poate discutam la deserturi, ca si factor genetic al climei...
Voi reveni.

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Dum Mar 31, 2013 8:52 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Si inca un aspect subtil la acest capitol ar fi amplasarea continentelor (acceptam teoria derivei continentale)
Actuala amplasare a unui continent exact pe pol si a unui ocean incercuit de continente la celalalt pol este una favorabila glaciatiilor.
De fapt se va vedea in diagrama caracterul efemer al perioadelor interglaciare...Cat de norocosi suntem de fapt!!

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Mar Apr 09, 2013 3:45 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta Land use changes
Humans have been modifying their environment for millennia, in particular through deforestation. Before 1950, this mainly occurred in Europe, North America, India and China, leading to a high fraction of cropland in these areas (Fig. 4.5). In the last 50 years, the extension of cropland has been stabilised in many places, some regions even showing an increase in the surface covered by forest. By contrast, deforestation has occurred rapidly over this period in many countries in the tropics.

Deforestation has a direct impact on emissions of CO2 and CH4 (see section as well as on the production of dust aerosols and of aerosols due to biomass burning (see section Furthermore, the anthropogenic changes in land use have altered the characteristics of the Earth’s surface, leading to changes in the energy and moisture budgets. For instance, it has been estimated that past deforestation in tropical areas has led to a warming there of about 0.2°C, the changes in evapotranspiration being a significant contributor to this temperature rise. Several of these surface changes cannot be adequately represented by radiative forcing. However, it is possible to compute a radiative forcing for the modifications of albedo associated with land use changes, as this directly affects the radiative balance of the surface (although it is not always easy to separate this forcing from the feedbacks between vegetation and climate, see section 4.3.3). Forests have a lower albedo than crops or pasture, in particular when snow is present (see sections 1.5 and 4.3.3). The deforestation since 1750 has thus induced a radiative forcing which has been estimated to average around –0.2 Wm–2 across the globe (Fig. 4.2). However, the forcing is much higher in regions where deforestation has been the most severe, reaching several Wm–2 in some places.
: The fraction of land occupied by crops in 1750 and 1992. Figure from Ramankutty and Foley (1999). Copyright American Geophysical Union 1999.

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:24 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Ciudat cum se dezvolta plantele in apele reci! De luat in seama, pot schimba calitatea suprafetei active!

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:29 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Vegetatia terestra.

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:36 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Romania Albastra...
Totusi imbucurator este ca s-a impadurit sau inverzit sudul Saharei!!!

Autor:  supercell [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:37 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Cum era de asteptat, Australia sta cel mai prost la capitolul vegetatie :)

Romania albastra bineinteles, doar la noi s-a inventat Ministerul Husqvarna.

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

supercell scrie:
Cum era de asteptat, Australia sta cel mai prost la capitolul vegetatie :)

Totusi rosul predomina in Australia, deci e OK. Rosul e plus-vegetatie!

Autor:  supercell [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:43 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Eu ma refeream la penultima imagine, deci la suprafata acoperita de paduri fata de celelalte continente.Atentie, ma refer doar la mainland Australia, nu includ aici si insulele apartinatoare :)

Autor:  Roberta 93 [ Vin Apr 19, 2013 4:54 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Suprafata activa subiacenta

Sau Stihl, sau cum le mai zice la drujbele alea.
Totusi ma bucur ca se impadureste in Australia. E un desert.

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