Am mai gasit ceva:
Totusi,la primul cum se calculeaza LFC,pentru ca dupa cum scrie la al doilea CCL=LCL-LFC.Daca nu e asa,cum se calculeaza CCL,ca vreau sa stiu pentru oraje.
Deep, moist convection is essentially a thunderstorm, it is cumulus congestus clouds or cumulonimbus clouds. An air parcel ascending from the near surface layer (mixed layer or boundary layer) must work through the stable layer of convective inhibition (CIN) when present. This work comes from increasing instability in the low levels by raising the temperature or dew point, or by mechanical lift. Without the aid of mechanical forcing, a parcel must reach its convective temperature (Tc) before moist convection (cloud) begins near the convective condensation level (CCL}, whereas with dynamic lift, cloud base begins near the lifted condensation level (LCL). This will remain as shallow, moist convection (small cumulus clouds) until breaking through the convective inhibition layer, after which DMC ensues as a parcel hits the LFC and enters the FCL, if thermal or mechanical forcing continues. At the level of neutral buoyancy (the EL), a parcel is cooler than the environment and is stable, so it slow down, eventually ceasing at the maximum parcel level (MPL).
Vad ca zice ceva de moist convection(e cumva CCL?) si de small cumulus clouds(e cumva LCL?)